Monday, 22 November 2010

another mock up set

i made this basic mock up set to help me decide on the final styles of my film.
i have decided really want to combne card cut out backgrounds for the 'real world' with a puppet character still, maybe wth ghost like card cut out people walking around the streets and station. i think this will help convey the fact that she is meant to feel compleatly alone and slightly removed from her 'real world', i want this feeling to be a big part of the film and will do some tests with card and the armiture girl soon.

Sunday, 21 November 2010


i have been finding sounds on the iternet to add to my animatic, as im going to have no diolog i will probably want some non-diegetic music for the entire film with added diegetic sound effects. here are some of the websies iv been listning to sounds on.

thinking about styles

i have been thinking about styles and i found this video on youtube, i really like the style and i might try and do something similar for my cut out real world, i especially like the stairs and the mix of 2d and 3d is something i would like to experement with.

and i really like the collarge effect of this video

Thursday, 18 November 2010

animatic 6

i made another animatic, using the mock up set plan to aid me with some of the shots, i decided that it would be cleaer if i shot them again. i am very pleased with the timing and the whole feel of this animatic, ithink it conveys what i wanted much better, im going to look into adding sounds and tweeking some of the timing but genrally i am very happy with it and i can focus more on defining what style i want as i am not so sure that i want to stick with my original cut out to stop motion idea, i want to do some more research into how i could go about incorporating a cu out style with keeping my puppet gir throughout. i really think i should keep the same puppet for continuety of the film and for the audiance to easily recognise and relate to her.

set planning

to help me understand the set and how the characters will move around and also to help me in the making of the sets, i made plans and mock up set plans, wich helped me alot in understanding the layout, made me think more about the style and gave me a better idea of how i would build the sets.


looking at my colour chart and treatment of the animatic, and getting feedback from my tutors i decided to change the beggining and the end (as they are the same..) of my film to make it clearer what happens because i wasn't very happy with it, i didn't think the animatic really made sence how it was and some scenes that needed working on to make it clearer to the audiance what is happening. i also wanted to create a better atmosphere and draw the audiance into the film more, making them curiouse about what is happeing and what will happen, drawing them into the film and making them want to watch the rest of the film.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

still working with the animatic

some of the shots in my animatic havnt been very clear and need abit of working on, as does the story structure a little. so i was advised to make a chart and a colour coded treatment to help me see where i can make some changes. here is the chart.

ever changing ideas for mixed media..

i came across this music video on youtube aniboom channel and even though it is really simle, i really like the way they have done it. I want the station etc to be quite flat and dull, originally i wanted to make it all in card but i am worried that i will struggle to convey the emotions ver well in card cut outs, but in teh video they photo real people and card cut them out, i was thinking of having my puppet all the way through but in the begining and the end, in the 'real world' she will be cut out, but still retaining aspects of 3d she will just look flat, like i originally wanted. so i will film her actions in sop motion and then cut them out and composit them into the scene, i think i will leave white boarders arluond her aswell as this will add to the style and effect.

and here is another music video i found that uses the same technique,

giving the effect of cut out but still keeping some realism. i think doing thsi will add ore continuety to teh film and the girl herself. changing puppets could lead to confusion but keeping the same puppet will make it easyer for the audiance to watch and for the story to be clearer. ofcourse these are all just early ideas about the mixed medias i want to be using throughout my film and nothing is compleatly finalised yet.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010


i love this animation, the way it uses mixed medias so well, its very inspring, the animation is so realistic and the attention to detail of the set and the puppets create an amazing atmosphere together.

so i tried to find out how they made it..





i was particually interesting in the eyes and how they went about doing them, the hyperlinks dont seem to be workin so here are some links.

Monday, 8 November 2010

some more videos i have been looking at for insperation

i really like the work of Jan Svankmajer, the asthetic is creative and moving. The colours used work really well together and the way the dolls move is quite creepy.

i especially like the morphing in this film.

animatic number 2

it still needs abit of work with the shots and timing, im going to add some more shots that explain what im trying to say some more and express the characters emotions and movements better.

mock up sets for animatic no2

some videos iv been looking at for insperation

i really like the mixture of simplicity and detail in these early films. i also like the washed out look, i may make my card cut out world washed out so it contrasts nicely with my bight and colourful world of stop motion.

making mock up sets for animatic no2

character designs

new storyboards

so with my new storyboards i make a animatic.



i wasn't very happy with my ending

So I think the best ending for me to have, considering what it is that I want my film to convey, is number 4 because being stuck in a continuous loop is what I want my film to be about and this ending explains it a lot better than the original ending I made and wasn’t happy with.

Ending ideas
The first ending I had I’m not very happy with it. It did not say what I wanted to say or convey the message I wanted it to. So I have decided to try and think of another ending that will suit my film better.

What the film to be about?
I want my film to be about being stuck in the same cycle everyday, similar to the film Groundhog day, but with more fantasy aspects of classic fantasy films such as Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz and Spirited Away. I also wanted to touch on how being surrounded by hundreds of people everyday you can still feel completely alone and in a world of you own. So I came up with some alternative endings for my film.
1. For it to all to be just a dream that she wakes up from? Like at the end of Alice in Wonderland.
2. She manages to get away from the tentacles and back to the ‘real’ world.
3. She defeats the tentacles and gets back to the real world? Like a typical hero story
4. She runs around a corner and ends up running round a corner in the ‘real’ world, creating a continuous loop.
i also drew up some rough storyboards for them aswell

this is late..

so i have started this blog kinda late as we are now in week 6... but i have been working. so i will begin with storyboarding, i started with writing out my idea o postet notes in shot form and also as a pitch. then i started to draw uo rough sketches.